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Health Mandates

Asthma Information:

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.9 requires annual asthma education. Additional resources can be found at:

Epinephrine Training:

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.6 requires that school nurse designate, in consultation with the BOE, and train school employees who volunteer to administer epinephrine when the school nurse is not available at the scene. Protocols for emergency administration of epinephrine are available at:

Food Allergies Guidelines:

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.3-12.6 requires management of life-threatening food allergies in schools. Helps school districts and staff create safe environments for students with life-threatening food allergies. The guidelines are available at:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Fact Sheet:

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-42 requires public schools to annually distribute a fact sheet to parents of grade 7 students. The fact sheet is available at:

Immunization Fact Sheet:

N.J.A.C.8:57-4 Immunization of pupils in schools regulations. These laws are effective tools for preventing outbreaks of contagious disease. Information is available at:

Meningitis Fact Sheet:

N.J.A.C. 18A:40-21 requires school districts annually distribute fact sheet on meningitis to parents of students in grade 6. The fact sheet is available at:


Influenza Vaccine Requirement:

All students in NJ schools age six months-59 months attending any licensed child care center or preschool must annually receive one dose of influenza (FLU) vaccine between Dec 1- 31 each year. Students who are not in compliance must be excluded from school through the duration of flu season (March 31) or they turn 60 months of age.

Janets Law:

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41a-41d requires schools to have an automatic defibrillators and to establish emergency action plans for responding to sudden cardiac events: The law is at

Tuberculosis (TB) Screening and guidance:
Annual school TB screening guidance can be found at:

Head Lice/ Pediculosis Guidance:
Frequently asked questions can be found at:

NJ Family Care Health Coverage:
N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.2(i) requires school districts to make available information for the NJ Family Care Program for those without medical coverage. Info can be found at:

Sports related Concussions:
Fact sheet available at:

Sports related Eye Injuries:
Fact Sheet available at:

Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes:
Fact Sheet available at:

DTaP and Menactra Immunizations:

Any student entering grade 6 or age 11 years must receive an updated dose of each vaccine.

Students who do not comply will be excluded from school until requirement is met.